templates products not found

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicaltemplates products not found
Cécile Leong asked 5 years ago
Have not found solution from questions & answers https://www.laraship.com/question/view-templates-shop-not-found/ I encouter the same issue with templates-products-not-found. Corals-ecommerce_basic is used as front-end theme and user having roles vendor is loging. please assist on this issue
3 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, You need to check the configuration changes you made, I'm sure you have been running the platform for a long time because you have added other questions earlier and the installation was working fine.   Please check the roles in your admin panel and make sure that role has a valid theme attached to it
Cécile Leong replied 5 years ago

Hello, the only change we made was upgrading laravel to version 6. I’ve just checked the roles for “vendor” and “member” and they use “Corals Elite admin” theme, is it not valid ?? I cannot post screncapture from here

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Please send us the login info with ssh details to info@corals.io and we will check

Cécile Leong replied 5 years ago

ssh info sent by email, please check and please assist asap

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, We have reviewed your installation and found you have installed all modules included directory, classified, eCommerce under one installation. This, of course, will cause conflict issues. please use our one command installer which is used to select which platform to be installed   https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/installation-instructions/one-command-installer/  
Cécile Leong replied 5 years ago


Following the documentation:

1: https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/installation-instructions/one-command-installer/
2: https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/installation-instructions/installation/

Shoud I undertake steps (1) + (2) OR only step (1) ?. Please confirm

We purchase laraship Elite Platform for the caracteristics described in https://www.laraship.com/product/laraship-elite-platform/
and more specifically from your introduction “”Laraship Elite Package provides you with the complete set of our solutions, plugins, and themes in one package. enjoy full unlimited access to more than 50 of “LARASHIP MODULES AND THEMES AT ONE PLACE !””
which is in my understanding, opposite to your explanation above

Our goal is to deploy all of modules and functionnalities in ONE INSTALLATION of “laraship elite platform” so please describe in detail how should we process?

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Laraship Elite has all packages, and you can download them from one place We never said you can have all of the themes installed at once, and even our demo shows the e-commerce functionality only installed.   This question is closed because it's invalid