Unresponsive website after theme upgrade

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalUnresponsive website after theme upgrade
st3fan asked 5 years ago
I have purchased Elite today, installed without a problem. Upon checking the admin dashboard I thought I would change theme towards admin-dragon, but afterwards the website is unresposive, it says: 500 Sorry, Something went wrong! Also I found that the interface was running very slowly (unrelated to the above), I do have opcache enabled. Anyone have tips or ideas?
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Stefan,

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Debugging shows the following error:

*[2019-06-25 17:35:43] local.ERROR: View [layouts.public] not found. (View: /home/plutus/domains/plutusbot.com/publichtml/laraship/resources/themes/admin-dragon/auth/login.blade.php) {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): View [layouts.public] not found. (View: /home/plutus/domains/plutusbot.com/publichtml/laraship/resources/themes/admin-dragon/auth/login.blade.php) at /home/plutus/domains/plutusbot.com/publichtml/laraship/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/FileViewFinder.php:137, InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): View [layouts.public] not found. at /home/plutus/domains/plutusbot.com/publichtml/laraship/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/FileViewFinder.php:137)*

Changing the theme in the database gives no luck, it seems stuck on admin-dragon.

Also I have not done anything to the code yet, so how is it possible that the theme is not working when I only switch to it for testing?

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

“View [layouts.public] not found. (View: /home/plutus/domains/plutusbot.com/public_html/laraship/resources/themes/admin-dragon/auth/login.blade.php)”

jedjie replied 5 years ago

are you using Wamp for Dev/Testing?

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

It was running on Debian Stretch with Direct Admin, php 7.2.

I am now going to switch to a different server with Debian Stretch, trying with nginx and php-fpm instead.