Project uploaded on my server showing error 500

Laraship QuestionsCategory: InstallationProject uploaded on my server showing error 500
Salami Samuel asked 6 years ago
I uploaded my project on my server which i tried to login but login and registration CSS and JS wasn't working properly and also once i logged in i get error 500 . Link: http//
1 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago
  • Enable Debug Feature inside your  .env  file under www folder, the error message will displayon the browser, also you can view it inside laravel log file under storage/logs/laravel.log
  • usually, this error can be caused due to the following scenarios:
  1. missing PHP module
  2. the mismatch between your local PHP and server PHP versions, which causes composer to load incompatible dependencies.
  3. DB connection error.
  4. Application key not generated.
  5. Database not imported properly