Any AdminLTE template?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Theme CustomizationAny AdminLTE template?
st3fan asked 5 years ago
Hi, Is it possible to use any AdminLTE template out there for the admin part of Laraship? Or is there any manual coding required? Thanks, Stefan
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Note sure what you mean by "Any AdminLTE template" , do you mean colring wise ?

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Well, for example these themes:

jedjie replied 5 years ago

IMHO-I think you dont need another admin theme, larships admin is enough with your needs, it is all integrated with the merchants, affiliates and subscriptions any owner will need.

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Depends on what you are going to use it for 🙂

I am building a members only content website, and I do not want members to view restricted content on the frontend but on the backend. So this means members will be on the “backend” alot and therefore a theme which I like the most would be the ideal situation.