Paypal configuration

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Payment SetupsPaypal configuration
sr.devphp01 asked 5 years ago
Hi, I am trying to integrate Paypal in my website. I saw in the docs that Paypal is provided by this plugin. I have installed the module and enabled the Paypal plugin, following the steps mentioned in the doc in Paypal configuration section. I have configured til the step where I need to add IDs and keys in the paypal settings page. Can you please guide me through the further steps how can I add the checkout button on my checkout page? Thanks
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Once you configured and enabled the Payapl module, the payment button will appear automaticlly in the checkout page, wheather its Subscription, eCommerce, or Marketplace checkout wizards

sr.devphp01 replied 5 years ago

I want it on a custom module that I have created. It is not appearing there.