Undefined property CartItem::$qty in CartOptionsMagicMethodsTrait.php

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsUndefined property CartItem::$qty in CartOptionsMagicMethodsTrait.php
dev1 asked 5 years ago
This bug keeps recurring in multiple places ErrorException Notice: Undefined property: Corals/Modules/Ecommerce/Classes/CartItem::$qty Corals/modules/Ecommerce/Traits/CartOptionsMagicMethodsTrait.php in Corals/Modules/Ecommerce/Classes/CartItem::__get at line 27
  • @return mixed | null*/public function __get($option) { try { return $this->$option; } catch (ErrorException $e) { return array_get($this->options, $option); } }
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


We're not able to reproduce the issue, do you see it at our demos ?

dev1 replied 5 years ago

No, I did not see that error on your demos. Maybe you can check the logs for your demos to confirm if the same has occured.