Laraship ON Postgree 2

Laraship QuestionsLaraship ON Postgree 2
Taufik Suryawan Edyna asked 7 months ago
sorry I can't reply to this message 1- what is the purpose of bank-offline-subscriptions in your Marketplace setup Answer: For online banking, it is not a priority for me, the priority is the theme Can it run well on my Laraship marketplace using Postgree and PHP 8.2? 2- once you are ready to go live, please contact us and we will change your license domain. Answer: via what to notify production transfers, do you use this channel? 3- yes it can be integrated with additional cost, we charge $25/hour for custom development Answer: how many hours does it take to integrate and how many hours if you create a module for the payment gateway 3- this error indicates CMS module not installed, can you confirm Answer: In the application the CMS module has been installed, this is the platform your team is setting up and I will send the credentials via email. Can you fix this, right? so that the CMS runs well.