How to add Order with products attributes from admin panel?

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsHow to add Order with products attributes from admin panel?
eliyas5044 asked 5 years ago
Hey,I have a product with multiple attributes like color, size. when try to add order manullay from admin panel, when search for product and add it, there is no select option to add product attribute. But user want Large size with Black color, so how to select these attributes? Maybe when production type is Variable, if search product, it shows all variables, but when product type is Simple, no attribute select option. Please explain, how to solve this problem.Thanks,Eliyas Hossain
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Attribute selection is not available in the manual order creation, you can add these details in the descriptions, however its complex to add the attributes, if you are looking for customizations you can contact us at and we can give you estimate for