Ask about how to translate correctly

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalAsk about how to translate correctly
Martín asked 5 years ago
Hi,I am translating the module files and I have the following doubts:In the following example you can translate the \":name\" or not?\'theme_message_downloaded_update\' => \'Theme :name has been updated successfully\',In the following example you can translate the \"[:name]\" or not?activate_theme \'=>\' You are going to activate [:name] theme \',Thanks
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Martin,
The items in the translation string with format :name are place holders and shouldn't be translated, so they are dynamic variables that are injected to the string

hola replied 5 years ago

Ok, then I must translate it.

Question, what formats should not be translated? Thanks

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

They shouldn’t be translated 🙂