Modify Location Types

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalModify Location Types
hola asked 5 years ago
Modify Location Types Hi, I know that in Administration> Settings> Utilities is the option to add location types but they require keys. In my country the territories are divided as follows: Country> Region> Province> District But in the Laraship structure there is only Country> State> City 1) Is there any way to modify this, please? 2) How can the location be assigned in the seller's profile? 3) How to assign filter by location to products? Thanks
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
  1. Yes you can change location types settings into Country ,  Region , Province , District .
  2. The location is assigned to Product or Listing ( for Classified and Directory)
  3. There is already filter by location in the products ( for Classified and Directory)
hola replied 5 years ago

Ok, where exactly can I find it?