Thanks for contacting us, the module code can be found by different ways:
1) Using downloaded package you can locate the file called module.json and get the code from
2) Under our demos, you can go to the modules section and find the codes for modules you're looking for.
In your case module code is corals-form-builder, we highly recommend to use command line manager as you will need to run composer update after installing the module
Yes I worked out getting the codes from demo but you should really include it next to module on order form and in documentation.
So what is the point of the ‘Add New Module’ functionality ? In my case (after I found the code) it still failed. This is one of the product features so please explain to me as this was one of the reasons why I bought the platform.
Please send us the error you’re getting
Hi, Error is:
×couldn’t check updates: License not found
Yet I am using Product Code of ‘corals-form-builder’ and key from order page.
What do you think the issue is ?
P.S. This is from the Activity module:
Action downloadnew
Object Corals\Settings\Models\Module
Message couldn’t check updates: License not found.
Our Logs shows that you havent added Platform license key inside .env file
Ok. Can you point me in the direction of the docs for this ?? Also to avoid problems in future for other users, a more specific error message (relating to this cause) would be advised.
The Error is pretty clear, your license was not found,
and its the first point that is mentioned that you need to add your license key to the .env file, even you asked us before license !
Ahh well you have to understand that this was after trying to initiate the licence key for a plugin and NOT the platform. Therefore it is reasonable (after having just typed in a plugin license code and receiving a licence cannot be found error) that the error relates to the plugin and not the platform !
Think about it !
For Laraship You cannot install plugins or update them remotely of the Platform license is not valid or expired, the license code of the plugin to validate the purchase however plugins will be attached to the platform license too.
Ok so in the .env file, what is the key supposed to be to enter the licence code ? In other words, what is the line:
What does xxx need to be in the .env file ?
the variable is already at .env file
All I have is .env.example, so renamed that and there was NOT this key in the file btw
So now I get the follwing error when I try to install form builder:
cURL error 51: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘updater.laraship.com’ (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
Please advise. Thanks,
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