Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalWhoops, looks like something went wrong.
Thorsten Wittenbecher asked 6 years ago

When i want to "show" the form entry details from the list. i get the following error: Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Any idea why ?

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


for 500 errors please check this article before posting your question.

Thorsten replied 6 years ago

Which Article ?

Thorsten replied 6 years ago

I have found the article in google finaly. I have checked all the issue can cause this, but nothing help me further. I have baught this script not to waste time on getting it running. I thaught it is a usefull thing to save my time.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


The article is in the instructions section at Question center


reading the instrcutions carefully save both times :)