Uploading a video in a banner

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalUploading a video in a banner
Patrick asked 4 years ago
Hello, I am trying to upload a video in a banner but receiving the attached message. Based on this documentation (https://www.laraship.com/docs/laraship/advertisement-management-module/banners/) it is possible to do so. Please advise. Thx
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, For Videos, you need to select HTML banner type, import the video to youtube or other video services, and get the embed HTML from there.
icehockeyrules148 replied 4 years ago


There are 3 possible Types: Script, Media and Link. Is Script the equivalent of HTML?

The documentation is a bit misleading “1. media: what is meant by media is that you can upload your file whether its an image or video and attach a link to be used when clicking on this media”. It does say that you can upload a video.


laraship Staff replied 4 years ago


Sorry for the confusion, HTML and script is the same,

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

we will ask the team to check the documentation and modify it