Subdomain Deployment

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalSubdomain Deployment
GLEN VIERNES asked 4 years ago
I deployed Laraship to a subdomain. It is to be used as a development environment before deploying to the main domain(production). The problem is that the page can't load the assets and CSS properly it is pointing to the main domain. I tried to change the APP URL to the subdomain but still, the page is messed up. Is there a way that I can change the assets path to the subdomain or change the path to a development environment? I have a standard license.
Attached is a screenshot of the page.  
laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

is this subdomain or subdirectory?

GLEN VIERNES replied 4 years ago

I installed it in a subdomain. The directory of the prod is different from dev

/dev – pointing to
/prod – pointing to