The command “passport:install” does not exist.

Laraship QuestionsCategory: InstallationThe command “passport:install” does not exist.
eroaydogan asked 4 years ago
Now I have this error  There are no commands defined in the "passport" namespace. when I write command php artisan passport:install its gave me The command "passport:install" does not exist.
laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

which installation method you followed?

eroaydogan replied 4 years ago

Hi There,
I tried both of it.
Here is the situation;
I used godaddy like testing/development server. I want to finish the site in godaddy then I will plan to deploy the application to AWS.
I created a folder called ‘cimhproject’ in godaddy under public_html. I extract laraship marketplace ‘public files’ inside of public_html (not in cimhproject folder)
First run the one command installer but it failed. Then I try manual installation I came to till ‘passport’ command than i got ‘error’
Today I’ll try again but this time not go further at all.
I stock
error is this.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in phar:///opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php on line 220

I couldn’t able to find a solution to increase the memory-limit

Then I’ll try to install to my local server in my computer
I used imac / XAMPP.
in there again a have errors about ‘imagick’
error is this

Problem 1
– spatie/pdf-to-image 2.0.1 requires ext-imagick * -> the requested PHP extension imagick is missing from your system.
– spatie/pdf-to-image 2.0.0 requires ext-imagick * -> the requested PHP extension imagick is missing from your system.
– Installation request for spatie/pdf-to-image ^2.0 -> satisfiable by spatie/pdf-to-image[2.0.0, 2.0.1].

To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
– /usr/local/etc/php/7.4/php.ini

I cannot find the solution too, I try all I can…

So what is your suggestion. i can give you my godaddy credentials so you can upload it for me or tell me how to do it step by step. I want to upload the application as soon as possible so start to working on it.


eroaydogan replied 4 years ago

I cannot deploy the application to AWS. Could you help me… In My computer, composer cannot install , give me the ext. imagick error and i cannot find a solution for this. Could you deploy the app to AWS Repository for me?I tried to use codecommit but because of composer error, I cannot go further. I can give you IM the ssh or https credentials.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, Looks like your current hosting does not meet installation requirements
  1. PHP magick module is not there
  2. PHP memory limit needs at least 2GB 
server requirements are listed here:   I suggest you move to AWS now because GoDaddy is not a good fit for such applications  
eroaydogan replied 4 years ago

I want to install to my localhost but I had errors so ı Decided to use godaddy, just for development. If I can able work on my local server is much better. Could you tell me step by step for installation to XAMPP. Or you can suggest me another way.

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago


please check the tutorial below on how to enable magick for xampp