Subscriptions questions (PayPal)

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalSubscriptions questions (PayPal)
st3fan asked 5 years ago
Hi, a few questions:  
  • Upon purchasing a monthly subscription plan, the subscription is enabled on paypal but the first payment is tomorrow and not directly?
  • There is no invoice created upon subscription, the following paypal webhooks are enabled as stated in the docs: 
    Billing subscription cancelled Payment Sale Pending Payment Sales Completed Payment Sales DENIED’
  • While checking the subscription stated, the "Ends At", "Next billing at" fields are empty...
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello Stefan,
  • for a Subscription start date, this is how Paypal subscription works and we don't do any specific for that.
  • Did you check the webhook calls and see if the calls are there? because hooks are what create the invoices.
  • Next Billing Date is for Manual subscriptions, End at is set when subscription is cancelled
Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

– ok, but you do have the option to directly bill instead of bill the next day. Can I change this somewhere in the code? First payment should be right when people order their subscription and not the next day, otherwise someone can subscribe, use 23 hours and cancel right before the billing cycle.

– There are no hooks in the “/webhook-calls” menu, there should be? And isnt this automated? I did enable the webhooks as stated in the docs heree:

– Thanks, that explains.