Subscription Manager Install Fail

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalSubscription Manager Install Fail
nick asked 6 years ago
Just purchased. Was able to get the other modules installed correctly but when trying to install the subscription manager I am getting the following error: installing module failed: file_put_contents(/home/xxxx/public_html/storage/framework/cache/data/85/5f/855f92484c8c414d36c1b25cb24876e30229cbbf): failed to open stream: Permission denied. An error occurred during installation! Module has been uninstalled successfully installing module failed: file_put_contents(/home/xxxx/public_html/storage/framework/cache/data/85/5f/855f92484c8c414d36c1b25cb24876e30229cbbf): failed to open stream: Permission denied
nick replied 6 years ago

This has been fixed. Please disregard.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


This issue is related to files and folder permission in your server, if you used root user for example to extract files and run composer update then it will cause permission errors on the web part because apache is using account user not root user.

Glad you have it fixed, please let us know if this was the issue or now.

you can use the chown command to change file ownership

chown -R [account user]:[account group] [your installation location]

also chmod command can be used to change file permissions