I have questions about below:
1) Even if I use User module as dedicated Admin account management, do I have to use folders and files as it is?
I'd like to rename 'User' or 'user' to 'Admin' or 'admin' in file name, table name, and some setting etc.
2) If I use User module as dedicated Admin account management, some items don't require.
For example, job role, country code, mobile phone, image file, and card_brand etc.
How do I deactivate them?
3) If I want to add certain item(s), I can add custom fields into User model in Adminsitraion menu.
While, if I add certain table item(s) at migration php file in Corals/core/User/database/migration folder, can I edit values in User Management of dashboard?
I have a supplementary explanation about question #1.
If I can rename, this story is as before installation of package and migration of data.