Route cache doesn’t work

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalRoute cache doesn’t work
appdev asked 5 years ago

I already installed the laraship-ecommerce. I try to execute the route cache of cache management menu. And i got server error. When i try using terminal, i try run php artisan config:cache. I got error message "Unable to prepare route [foo] for serialization. Uses Closures". Please help.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


We checked on our side and its working fine, have you made changes to the Foo module ?

appdev replied 5 years ago

No, i didn’t change any code to the Foo module.

appdev replied 5 years ago

Do you have another solution? Thanks.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Did you create a custom Plugin?

Sorry we cannot reproduce the issue, you can try removing the Foo Module under Corals/modules/Foo

appdev replied 5 years ago

No, i don’t create any custom plugin too. I try to remove the Foo module dir. I test do via cache management > route:cache. I got error “Session store not set on request”. I use terminal run this command “php artisan route:cache”. Still got this error message “Unable to prepare route [foo] for serialization. Uses Closure”