what is the link you see in the email ? and does it match your domain ?
Yes its match with my domain. My domain is http://www.hardwarezoone.in & Password reset Link Look like this https://www.hardwarezone.in/localhost/password/reset/e1c1084f1058d16ce27dbeb729695087149a8db706eb2ece09144f8e42bfb6f9" – Remove /localhost/ from it & Link works fine.
No it does not seem to be matched,
looks like in your .env file you
based on your installation it should be
Reset Password Function is working now but there is a bug in login page https://imgur.com/sZ2yCf7
There is no bug in the login page, it’s working fine. you need to check on your side, the question will be closed
If there is no bug in login page then what about blank Space in footer ? see image https://imgur.com/sZ2yCf7
please send us the URL and we will check
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