Installation Error

Laraship QuestionsCategory: InstallationInstallation Error
manigds.ksit asked 5 years ago

I have purchased Laraship Directory Theme, I had installed as mentioned in the document using composer, I am getting error, snapshot attached, I am not able to login, not able to proceed further.

3 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago

can you try running

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed 


manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

I am getting new error, Base Table or View not found, 1146, table notification templates doesnt exist

manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

in connection php line 664, & 326

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Please download the package again and try a fresh installation, if you're still facing the issue please send us your server details to check.

manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

I downloaded fresh package & installed, still same issues

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

please send us server details at and we will check

manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

I have sent the mail, pl acknowledge

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


After spending hours on your installation it turned out you either copied laraship on existing Laravel installation, and we asked you clearly to do a clean install, the migration failed because there is migration files under migration folder which overrites the correct one.

same issue you will face now with the views, you have extra files.

our installation instructions are clear and tested hundredes of times.


manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

I was able to install it, Thanks for the support, I want to change the time zone, I changed in Config/app.php, but it is not changing, also when I imported the demo data, the listings are getting updated

manigds.ksit replied 5 years ago

The listings are not getting updated

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

These are different topics, you need to open a new question for.