Problem while running php artisan corals:install

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalProblem while running php artisan corals:install
Vardara asked 5 years ago

I experience the fallowing problem attached in the file while running php artisan corals:install. What is the solution to thi?

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, This means your server and PHP is blocking file get by URL, the file in the picture above is for creating demo data from the announcement module. If you don't need this demo data you comment out the lines at  Corals/modules/Announcement/database/seeds/AnnouncementDemoDatabaseSeeder.php  
->withCustomProperties(['root' => 'demo_announcement'])

$announcement = Announcement::find(2);

->withCustomProperties(['root' => 'demo_announcement'])