Paypal Issue.. Spinning not moving forwards to payment…

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsPaypal Issue.. Spinning not moving forwards to payment…
foliends asked 6 years ago
Hi, Well I have PayPal setup and the synchronization works. But when trying to make a sandbox test or Live payment you only get to the screen select Stripe or PayPal after selecting PayPal it just spins (hangs) there and don't move the the next process. see screenshot...
laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

can you please provide us with the error inside storage/logs/laravel.log

foliends replied 6 years ago

Sorry no error in the log for PayPal…. 🙁

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

can we do TeamViewer session, you can send us TeamViewer details at

foliends replied 6 years ago


1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago
Hello, The issue was on Firefox,We have pushed fixes for both Stripe and Paypal Plugins please update the plugins through module updater
foliends replied 6 years ago

Perfect!!!! Solved the issue… I say WOW you guys are good!!!

foliends replied 6 years ago

PS: WE can close this solved issue… 🙂

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Glad you have it worked 🙂