Marketplace Dragon bug

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalMarketplace Dragon bug
st3fan asked 5 years ago

When you add stuff to the sidebar menu, it does not show any items that are not inside a submenu.

only submenu's work, single items are not working and not showing up in the menu bar.

Talking about the admin side here.

3 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Issue has been fixed in admin-dragon Version: 1.2
Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

great, thank you!

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Do you mean a Sub menu for Sub Menu ?

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Any single menu item is not showing up in the menu, only items that are inside a submenu are showing.

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

I have added 2 files to the above comment

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Hi, you closed this item but this problem still occurs …

This is very disturbing.

Whenever I add a menu item which is not a subitem, it will not show up in the menu… this is a big problem!

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

We are sorry this, looks like it got closed automatically beggar if no activity, we have already reported the issue to the dev team and they will have it fixed in the next release

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Sounds good, thanks for the response!

When is this new update coming? Is this a Dragon update or another module? And can I upgrade it when its available through the admin panel or does it require manual update?

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Hopefully next week, last week was off for most of the team here due to to holidays, but next week will be more active :)

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

When will this come? 🙂 I think this is an easy fix but pretty important tho.