Laraship Elite Platform HOW to use it and how it works

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalLaraship Elite Platform HOW to use it and how it works
ogbuson1 asked 6 years ago
hello there is no details description of what the Laraship Elite Platform package can let me do or how to start using it..... i need details
3 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You can find the list of modules available in Elite Package and Basically what you can do with Elite Package

1) Build a Subscription Platform like :

2) Build an eCommerce Platform like

3) Build a Classified Platform like

4) Build a Directory Platform Like

5) Build a CMS and Data Collection Platform


What's important here some of the clients want to top layers to merge these platform together, for example integrate subscription and ecommerce products to gether, which is a business specific flow they wanna build.

each of these modules are available in the demos or in the shop page that you can get an idea on its thier feature. and it will be you role to see how this fits your business and how to customize to fits your requirement

ogbuson1 replied 6 years ago

so for example i can refer to the “eCommerce Platform like ” as a module which is also a script that can be installed on its own?

if yes, ‘in that case…. then does that mean there would be something called ” eCommerce Platform module” inside the “Elite Package” and if i pick just the ‘eCommerce Platform module’ from what is inside the “Elite Package” i can use it to setup something like ” ” ????

and if all said is correct does that also mean that after something like ” ” is up an running i can then include something like “Subscription Platform” inside the ” eCommerce Platform module” that has been installed and running at or in other for me to use the “Subscription Platform Module” i have to do an all new installation that would be running at something like ?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Again this is really depends on what modules you need to satisify your business which we are not part of, if you check the demos you have above for example

You can go to modules and see the active modules and to show the active theme to get the final result of that demo.

Our Decumentation is available here

We highly encorage you to check the demos we have and the enabled modules, also check our documentation of features available. at the end its your call and your role to decide how to use the modules based on your business, each client use it in a different way based on his needs.


laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Subscription Module is seperate than eCommerce Module, if you want to merge them based on your business model then you need to do customization here.

These questions are pretty explainotory from the demos themselves, if you go to modules section you will see the enabled modules.