Laraship Directory : SMTP in env used still none of the mail is being sent

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsLaraship Directory : SMTP in env used still none of the mail is being sent
bhavika asked 6 years ago

Inspite of setting relevant details in .env file for the smtp , Send email functionality is not working anywhere in the site. Can you please let me know what am I missing out here. It gives email sent succesfully from contact us page or even from listing detail page. Infact from forgot password too it says email sent succesfully . this is our development URL

Laraship Support replied 6 years ago

Can you please send us your .env file at

bhavika replied 6 years ago

email sent on mentioned id

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You still have the mail driver sent to Log at your env file, it should be SMTP