Is there any option for Buyer can compare specifications of two similar products

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalIs there any option for Buyer can compare specifications of two similar products
SANDEEP AGGARWAL asked 4 years ago
Hi Laraship team, Thank you for your support.  Please explain  , Is there any option for compare specifications of two similar products. we need this future in our projects. so we need your support and help us. I look forward to your response  
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, This feature is currently available, if you're looking for custom development services you can reach us at for quote.   Thanls
SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 4 years ago


SANDEEP AGGARWAL replied 4 years ago

Where I find the option to check this future in our super admin panel and also reached the above said email id with same query