How can I make my own theme? Web site 500 error when you upload files to the theme folder

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalHow can I make my own theme? Web site 500 error when you upload files to the theme folder
junior asked 6 years ago
Hello, I bought the elite platform but I'm having problems. Importing the demo does not matter everything. also some themes do not work like for example the theme marketing place. Marketplace Master does not import the files. They can check and see what errors exist. Thank you.
3 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


The List of available plugins,modules, and themes for Elite Package are clearly mentioned in the Product Description,

You receieved additonal theme, not missing theme so you have extra theme we didnt give it to you.

You can download the correct package now without that theme

The marketplace is not mentioned anywhere that its included in the Elite package.

junior replied 6 years ago

I do not want the elite platform. and yes he was in the description. It costs nothing to change my package. I will pay the difference of values ​​to you. Please.

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please show us when its included in the description, There is no even “Marketplace” word in the complete description of Elite platform, also you contacted us 2 weeks ago in the codecanyon and said you want to buy the Elite package however the marketplace has been released 3 days ago !

junior replied 6 years ago

It would be viable for me to buy the elite because it would be returned in the ENVATO. But that does not make sense anymore. I just want to change the Templaite. I paid the difference in values. But anyway Can you check the errors I asked?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


  • The marketplace master theme was added by mistake to your package as this is not going to work without Marktplace platform which is not part of the Elite package, so you can either delete that theme or just ignore it.
  • the mimity slider warning is not an error, it means the slider is not found and its a not all dummy data exists in the initial installation, I believe there is others can be used

  • for 500 error please check

junior replied 6 years ago

You can reimburse me so I can buy the
Laraship Marketplace?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago


Unfortunately we can’t reimburse here, however since you are already a customer, we can provide you with 40% discount.

Júnior Alves replied 6 years ago

So give me the plug marketplace as it’s included in the package I bought. Is your mistake correct? I just bought the elite because of the Marketplace. For I had already acquired two of you from ENVATO. I SO BUY THE ELITE BECAUSE OF THE MARKETPLACE.

junior replied 6 years ago

Can you change my package? I pay the difference of values ​​to you.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

for License not found you need to add the license your receieved in your order email inside the .env file

junior replied 6 years ago

I did not receive any license. Can you send me the license?