Everything Goes to 404 Error Page Not Found

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalEverything Goes to 404 Error Page Not Found
Steve asked 6 years ago
I am trying install laraship e-commerce script. I went through the install instructions step by step. Install composer, unzip laraship, update composer, generate artisan key, create database, update .env file, artisan migrate:fresh –seed, copy /public to /public_html, edit index.php, log into admin as superuser, changed superuser password, go to administration >> modules and activate all plugins, EVERYTHING WORKING OKAY SO FAR. I noticed a few warning messages started showing up in the administration page about a license error. I clicked into administration themes page, I DID NOT SELECT ANY THEMES, I was just browsing around the administration page to see which theme would be good to select, THEN laraship CRASHED. I was kicked out of the administration pages (I did not logout, I just got sent to 404 page not found). Now I hit a 404 page not found for everything, I can not log in to administration page, the home page is 404, EVERYTHING is 404, I am completely locked out. From the hosting cpanel file manager, I opened /storage/logs/laravel.log A partial file extract: 2018-11-23 06:57:00] local.ERROR: View [templates.shop] not found. {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): View [templates.shop] not found. at /home2/webhost/larascript/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/FileViewFinder.php:137) [stacktrace] Any thoughts on how to prevent and fix this? Thanks,
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


You need to go your theme management screen and import the demo as it is one of the installation step.

go to [your-url]/themes and click import demo