Error – Sorry, Something went wrong

Laraship QuestionsCategory: InstallationError – Sorry, Something went wrong
bhavinpatel115 asked 5 years ago

when i run project beloe error comes "Sorry, Something went wrong". as per your artical i have cheked all the parameters but it can not solved so please i request you please help me to solve it.

2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


This is one error related to php 7.3 already fixed, please download the package again copy this files to fix it.

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


As mentioned on our question center, 500 errors are generic errors and you need to enable debug mode to get more details

bhavinpatel115 replied 5 years ago

It shows too many errors.

ErrorException thrown with message "compact(): Undefined variable: updater_url"

#68 ErrorException in C:\wamp64\www\laraship-ecommerce\Corals\core\Settings\Http\Controllers\ModulesController.php:53