error 500 – can’t login on server

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalerror 500 – can’t login on server
Emil asked 6 years ago


i installed laraship on localhost as described in video and everythings works fine.

after clear installation on local machine i moved the files to shared hosting server:

all public content into public_html

and other files into new directory "laraship" in root.

when launching the website i got Corals home page with login and registration, but when i'm trying to login i got error "500 -Sorry, Something went wrong!" Error.

after checking laravel.log file, i got many Warrning and Errors:

local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css]

local.ERROR: unserialize(): Error at offset 956 of 2755 bytes (View: /home/userfolder/laraship/resources/themes/admin/layouts/auth.blade.php)


Server PHP version 7.2

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago
Emil replied 6 years ago


i’ve fixed the unserialize() Error. after running ‘php artisan cache:clear’ command on server, the error is gone.

but still, there is no styles in admin panel (login page and dashboard), i’ve got “Asset not found” warnings.

this is the content of laravel.log file:

[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/animate.css/animate.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/AdminLTE.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/iCheck/all.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/pace/pace.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/ladda-themeless.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/toastr/toastr.min.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/core.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/custom.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/auth-custom.css]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/iCheck/icheck.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/pace/pace.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery-block-ui/jquery.blockUI.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/spin.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/ladda.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/toastr/toastr.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/select2/dist/js/select2.full.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/adminlte.min.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/functions.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/main.js]
[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/lodash/lodash.js]

how can i fix it?