E commerce attributes at category level

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalE commerce attributes at category level
goldendatawm asked 6 years ago
How can I define set of attributes and assign it to custom category of products?
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


custom attributes is at product level, category level attributes is not available.


goldendatawm replied 6 years ago

Ok No problem.
I use it in product level. But let me know, How should I do it? I need, when I define product I choose one set of attributes, then the product attributes change to the setts attributes.
Thank you

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Sorry We dont understand

goldendatawm replied 6 years ago

for example you define 10 attributes. after that you put them in to set A. when you want define a product you determine the attribute set should be A. then you see the attributes that you put in set A. and you can put value for those attributes.