delete products not work

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicaldelete products not work
goldendatawm asked 6 years ago

Hi corals team

the delete function only works on users page. with the action button. I do every thing that you say but it does not work. please solve.

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


This issue is duplicated and we explained its your server issue, you can see its working perfectly at our demos and we sent you a screenshot on your server.

Please contact your server admins.


goldendatawm replied 6 years ago

Which screenshot? I didnot receive any thing for this problem. Please send again. the delete function is not disable. Thanks

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Please ask you server support to enable delete request

goldendatawm replied 6 years ago

I had troubleshoot it previously. I check also for blocking delete in post method of php. if it is possible please check again.