Default user dashboard tab

Laraship QuestionsCategory: ConfigurationDefault user dashboard tab
matt asked 4 years ago
When a user clicks on the Dashboard link, the default tab shown is "My Subscriptions". How can I change this is set the default tab as "Dashboard"?
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, You can comment out the line : 
\Filters::add_filter('active_profile_tab', [Subscription::class, 'set_subscription_active_tab'], 10);

at Corals/modules/Subscriptions/SubscriptionsServiceProvider.php
matt replied 4 years ago

“You can comment out the line :

I think something went wrong with this answer as I can't see the line anymore. I was looking back at it for reference.

Can you provide the line that I should comment out again please?


matt replied 4 years ago

Can you update this question please? The code you provided has gone missing!

Thank you.