create page button becomes disable

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalcreate page button becomes disable
nao asked 6 years ago

Now all module version are attached file.

In this condition, when I try to create new page, "Create Page" button becomes disable.

I can click "Cancel" button in Create Page.

The role of user is super user and I don't change authority of super user.

Why is "Create Page" button disable?

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laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please send is the login details to so we can check, we never aced this case.

nao replied 6 years ago

I solved this problem.
The reason is cookie policy.
If I allow cookies, “Create Page’ button is able.
But if I decline, this button is disable.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Yes this is not a problem, because cookie wont be available and form submission wont be available when you decline cookie.

any way you will get logged out in second reload