CMS control of main menu

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCMS control of main menu
Mike Morris asked 4 years ago

So I am running the Marty theme and wondering how I am supposed to use the CMS to control the main menu for the site. the Pages section of the CMS module is not it. There is a CMS tab on Administration->Site Settings but I don’t know what this is for. I see that I could edit the favicon etc. here but how do I edit the default menu items like Home, About, Blog etc? I have re-imported the Demo Data a couple of times. I noticed that it duplicates the items in the main menu bar making a mess of it. I thought this might help me locate where this is controlled in the Dashboard but no dice. This sort of thing would be good content for a “getting started” guide. How is this supposed to work?

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, Under Administration -> Menu Management, there is a menu called Front End Menu, you can edit the items there and add, edit items