Cannot install Utility Module – ECommerce

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCannot install Utility Module – ECommerce
atheriqbal1 asked 6 years ago

I am running e-commerce platform on localhost.

I am not able to install the Utility Module. I get the error which is attached.

Please guide.

3 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello, Please update utility module to 1.04 to fix the issue.

atheriqbal1 replied 6 years ago

How do I update?
I tried by running this command in cmd, in root folder of application
php artisan corals:modules –action=download –type=module –module_name=corals-utility , with update too. But I got the message ‘Already updated’

When I try to update through GUI, I get the error “Error contacting update server”.

Please guide.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Auto Updates are available for extended license only, you need to use other updat manual methods.

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

I see this duplicate error message, you can remove the key days_of_the_week from settings table and install again

atheriqbal1 replied 6 years ago

Thank you for the reply. Also, I would like to ask, I accidentally deleted a front – end them. Is there a way to download it again?