Cannot install Laraship directory at all on my local machine and live server

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCannot install Laraship directory at all on my local machine and live server
raksquadwebdevelopment asked 6 years ago

Cannot install Laraship directory at all on my local machine and live server

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Hello, It's a good start 🙂

can you check the link, we need to enable debug mode to see the error

raksquadwebdevelopment replied 6 years ago

I already sent an email to you please acknowldge

raksquadwebdevelopment replied 6 years ago

No application encryption key has been specified.

the new error when I turned on the debug mode

raksquadwebdevelopment replied 6 years ago

Now I already updated the encrytion key and the new error is this Class ‘Corals\Modules\Classified\Facades\Classified’ not found (View: /home/castrillo/public_html/ (View: /home/castrillo/public_html/

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Issue, is fixed :)

raksquadwebdevelopment replied 6 years ago

Yea saw it great. But I need it to be customized on my product name Reyt. do have a document for the customization of it ?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

now we are back to generic words. like “Customize” 🙂

again, the documentation has a lot of settings to customize, please go through it

raksquadwebdevelopment replied 6 years ago

Please check again the server, the image of the featured category is not appearing