can not update from line command

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technicalcan not update from line command asked 6 years ago

see screenshot. Ok we dont have the extende license but even in terminal we get the update error:

2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Please add the force and skip download argument to the command for example

php artisan corals:modules --action=update --type=core --module_name=all --force=true --skip_download=true --ignore_backup_message=true

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Your comment is not polite and will be deleted replied 6 years ago

see screenshot. Ok we dont have the extended license but even in terminal we get the update error: replied 6 years ago

ok, same message, we can not update. We want to control the the mandatory files for users, and shall be fixed in the update this week. We still wait and update is not working. Is there a update, yes? how can we install it without the message that “we need to buy extended version”

see screenshot:

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

try again replied 6 years ago

yes!!!! but.. everything was done according manual but still they are not updated, see :
did many times Run Composer Update command.

any suggestion?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

Please explain the update process you made.

henk nienhuis replied 6 years ago

php artisan corals:modules –action=update –type=core –module_name=all –force=true –skip_download=true –ignore_backup_message=true

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

That’s it? how did you get the latest packages and what you did after?

henk nienhuis replied 6 years ago

Bought subscription from codecanyon there is no update available and other modules on your website, and there I can’t see what version is there

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

The update is not pushed to cadocanyon

henk nienhuis replied 6 years ago

Ok 6 updates in admin, terminal update no success. How further?

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

wait till codecanyon updates released

Henk Nienhuis replied 6 years ago

And what I bought from your site? Download and install? replied 6 years ago

see all updates from laraship site, so explain me, shall i download from my account?? see screenshot :
i try to figure out how to update now for 2 days?

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Not sure where is the confusion here, we answered clearly that we havent pushed the new version to Codecanyon yet !!

however we suggest you buy the package from our store and then make refund request from codecanyon and we will refund you replied 6 years ago

all the modules what can be updated is from your store? see the screenshot:
so please, i hope you can, after a long long chat, tell me, how we can update??

laraship Staff replied 6 years ago

once the update is available at codecanyon you will receive a notification from codecanyon, replied 6 years ago

pfffff, again, see screenshot!!!!, i need to stay polite but you dont checked that screenshot???? All updates are from your store where i bought it, NOT codecanyon!!!!!!!! replied 6 years ago

this says your manual:
1) Its always recommended updating core plugins before module or payment plugins.
2) First, you need to click download plugin. after downloading, don’t click install until you complete the next step.

but ….. see i can not download the plugin, and in the manual there is no explanation what to do next!!!