Calling an API with Authorization parameters

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalCalling an API with Authorization parameters
jedjie asked 5 years ago
Hello, I did checked the API Documentation already. :) What I want to know  is how to call the API with the Authorization Code? a mock example will be a great help, how can I pass the Authorization Parameters and Key values, just an example will do much. Snippets of a simple Get and a simple Post is enough. Thank you in advance.
1 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Please find the Insomnia Project to test calling APIs   You can download insomnia from here and import the JSON above to your workspace, then modify the domain URL to use your installation
jedjie replied 5 years ago

Thank you so much! this will be great. 🙂

jedjie replied 5 years ago

I already checked Insomia, its great! I can even generate code calling it on my Mobile Project. 😀 thank you so much. I will make an API routes to my Custom Modules, this will be great for testing. So good. Thank you!!! 😀

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago


jedjie replied 5 years ago

UPDATE: I am able to Authenticated Get and Post to my Module API now, thank you very much! Insomia a really great tool. 😀

public function getJournals(Request $request, Journal $journal)
try {
$journals = $this->journalService->getJournals();

$journals = (new JournalPresenter())->present($journals)['data'];

return apiResponse($journals);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return apiExceptionResponse($exception);

public function postJournals(Request $request, Journal $journal)
try {
$records = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);

DB::table('journals')->insert($records); // Eloquent approach

return apiResponse([], trans('Corals::messages.success.created', ['item' => 'Journal']));
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return apiExceptionResponse($exception);