Private: Bug/Issue Inventory Calculation

Laraship QuestionsCategory: issues & BugsPrivate: Bug/Issue Inventory Calculation
buddydev93 asked 4 years ago
I have a problem in inventory at newest update Laraship. After customer paid some/more than one item quantity, item in inventory are reduced by just one item quantity. Not the same as the number of items from a customer’s purchase. Here is my method to reproduce this Bug/Issue
  1. Initial stock inventory –
  2. Customer has been paid 5 item quantity –
  3. Stock Inventory only 1 item decreased –
laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

Which platform are you using?

buddydev93 replied 4 years ago

I use Laraship Elite Platform with latest relase Laravel 7.

buddydev93 replied 4 years ago

And i found this bug / issue at Laraship Elite with Laravel 6 too. Please help me to fix this bug asap.