Assets not found – no styles in admin panel

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalAssets not found – no styles in admin panel
Emil asked 6 years ago

after installation the script on server i have no styles in admin panel (login page and dashboard), i’ve got “Asset not found” warnings.this is the content of laravel.log file:[2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/animate.css/animate.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/AdminLTE.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/iCheck/all.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/pace/pace.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/ladda-themeless.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/toastr/toastr.min.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/core.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/custom.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [css/auth-custom.css][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/iCheck/icheck.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/pace/pace.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery-block-ui/jquery.blockUI.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/spin.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/Ladda/ladda.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/toastr/toastr.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/select2/dist/js/select2.full.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/adminlte.min.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/functions.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [js/main.js][2018-10-04 09:37:02] local.WARNING: Asset not found [plugins/lodash/lodash.js]how can i fix this problem?Thanks !!

2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


1) You need to Keep your folder inside public directory

2) You should inform us when you post the issue with the structure changes !!!

3) if you made this to remove the public from the URL, this is wrong and you need to follow the link below

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago

Hello Looks like your package was not extracted properly and its missing the asset folder,

can you confirm the asset files are in the right location ?

Emil replied 6 years ago

there is assets folder with all the files in it.

the location is public_html folder in server.
i’ve moved the content of public folder to public_html in server,
and for other folders and files i created directory in root.