Installation issue Question

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalInstallation issue Question
hello3 asked 5 years ago
I am having issues with LS locally. I purchased the LS subscriptions theme Order #9768 on February 8, 2019. Platform seems to have installed correctly. Database has populated. When I click on Modules I get the "500"? In _debug file attached Before I get the standard reply. See below
  • missing PHP module - PHP installed
  • the mismatch between your local PHP and server PHP versions, which * causes composer to load incompatible dependencies. - not sure how to check this? Seems to match
  • DB connection error. - DB connects correctly
  • Application key not generated. - I loaded my one from the LS order
  • Database not imported properly - seems to have worked?
hello3 replied 5 years ago

For what it is worth. If this all goes well I will be purchasing 5 more straighht after plus possibly some extra design work from you

2 Answers
Best Answer
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Our team has managed to reproduce the issue and they are doing sanit testing on php 7.3

to solve the issue you have

you change line# 53 at Corals/core/Settings/Http/Controllers/ModulesController.php from

        return view('Settings::modules.index')->with(compact('modules',   'remote_updates', 'has_updates'));

and it should work

hello3 replied 5 years ago

yes that has worked Thanks.

laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


what is the PHP version you're using ?

meanwhile can you change the line# 53 at Corals/core/Settings/Http/Controllers/ModulesController.php from

return view('Settings::modules.index')->with(compact('modules', 'updater_url', 'license_key', 'remote_updates', 'has_updates'));

        return view('Settings::modules.index')->with(compact('modules', 'license_key', 'remote_updates', 'has_updates'));

hello3 replied 5 years ago

done. Still not working so no doubt Imaybe I have done something wrong? Seem to all install fine no errors until try update plugins

PHP Version

hello3 replied 5 years ago

any luck with this issue? Really keen to to get started and see what Laraship can offer me

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago


Are you getting the same error?
can you try PHP 7.2 as we haven’t tested php 7.3 and it has recently released?

hello3 replied 5 years ago

not rolling back my php as I have other laravel sites working fine on 7.3. I dont want to attract other unnecessary problems with those sites. Guess I just wasted $40 until you guys upgrade. I am seeing hosts VPS packages are defaulting to 7.3. I still have my doubts its a php7.3 issue but any idea when you are looking at 7.3 upgrade.