Advertisement – Banner height is incorrect & not showing whole image

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalAdvertisement – Banner height is incorrect & not showing whole image
Jeremy Bruck asked 4 years ago
I have the CMS base module and the advertising package.   I have 2 different "island" (300 x 250) banners loaded up and unfortunately it is only showing 2/3rds of the banner.  When I check the code I can set a direct height on the iframe (style="height:250px") and then it shows correctly. I am using the advertising module on different URLs so the image is being called from the "embed.js" url. When I look at the embed.js file it looks to do an "inspection" of the code prior to it for injecting the height -- I have tried using a "div" with height specified directly (height="250") and style tag directly and neither works.  I have also tried wrapping the "external js embed URL" in a table and that does not work either. FYI, the screen shot is from a "stand alone" HTML page as well to ensure the CSS from the existing website was not part of the problem as well. I have attached a screen shot. Thoughts or ideas on how to make it show correctly? Thanks!
laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

can you send us a URL for the issue

Jeremy Bruck replied 4 years ago

Yep, you can see it here:

FYI, I was able to add in some CSS to force the iFrame to 250 x 300 so you will see it as “correct” presently but if I remove that extra CSS it auto-reverts.

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago

can you remove the extra css please

Jeremy Bruck replied 4 years ago

sure – I removed the css class so you could see the error –>

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, We pushed a fix to the announcement module, please update and let us know if it fixed the issue 
Jeremy Bruck replied 4 years ago

assuming I would find the “update” in Administration -> Modules and “check for updates”?

Granted I do get a red alert about “license key” not found even though I have clicked on “key icon” for both CMS and Advertising and entered the key from email receipts of both. The .env file also has a “LICENSE_KEY” in it but since the length of those 2 keys (email & env) are much different I wasn’t sure.


Jeremy Bruck replied 4 years ago

I did change the env file with the key from email for CMS… that did tell me then that their is an “update avail” but with std license it won’t auto-update anyway. Guess I will download and re-upload all the code.

Jeremy Bruck replied 4 years ago

All looks great now — thanks for the quick fix!

laraship Staff replied 4 years ago
