2 errors after install

Laraship QuestionsCategory: Technical2 errors after install
gabor asked 5 years ago
hi. after install the cms I have 2 errors.
  1. Dashboard/Advertisement/Campaigns — ErrorException (E_NOTICE) compact(): Undefined variable: advertiser
  2. Dashboard/Marketplace/Store Settings — ErrorException (E_ERROR) Call to a member function getSettingValue() on null (View: /var/www/shopiking.eu/public_html/Corals/modules/Marketplace/resources/views/stores/settings.blade.php)
Can you please help me what is wrong?
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Is this a fresh installation, we just tested and we don't see the error on our end
gabor viragh replied 5 years ago

Can you please test my installation? This is a fresh installation. I give you superuser access to my admin panel. I have errors only on admin panel in : admin/Dashboard/Advertisement/Campaigns and in admin/Dashboard/marketplace/store settings