Directory, eCommerce, Laraship, Marketplace, Subscriptions

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We’re pleased to announce a new version of Laraship release, as always promised, our goal to provide a flexible growing platform to fit market needs.

Here are some of the Laraship new Features:


  1. Adding New post types to CMS module: these modules include Testimonials Management, Downloads management with front end support.
  2. Adding SEO Manager to Utilities: An extremely flexible SEO attachment to URLs even dynamic generated ones.
  3. Add User Classification to User.
  4. Support Pricing variation per Customer classification, with this feature you can define a different price per user classification like Gold, Silver customer…
  5. Add Google Place module which integrated with Directory platform to pull places from Google Places API and allow users to claim these listings too.
  6. Add database Cart Integration: with this feature user can log in from different devices and their cart will be populated from their last session.
  7. Pages now are supporting premium content locking based on subscription plans, similar to Posts.
  8. Performance Enhancements to fixing reported issues by our clients.


Updates are now available in the update manager and also at customer download section, we’re happy to receive your feedback.





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