Unable to login

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalUnable to login
phat.pham asked 5 years ago

Hello, I am getting this error "Resend confirmation link" when trying to login. How could i disable this feature? Thank you.

1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago


Please send a screenshot so we can get better idea on the issue

phat.pham replied 5 years ago


Sure, please see the attached at first post.
I am sure, it’s right password, cause i will get error if inputing wrong password.

Thank you.

phat.pham replied 5 years ago

i think i found the issue.

It’s cause of confirmation requirement for user not working properly, even when it’s set to “false” in database.
The mail didn’t work properly, that’s why i didn’t receive email with confirmation link.
After correcting the mail setting, i can get email, then login and set it’s false in “Confirm email on registration? “