Unable to install and enable Woocommerce in eCommerce platform

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalUnable to install and enable Woocommerce in eCommerce platform
basiltap asked 3 years ago
Hi,   I'm trying to install the Woocommerce importer to the ecommerce platform, but instead the buttons to install and enable, I get an informative tag with the text:  "Missing required module corals-marketplace". As you say in your page, it should be for Markeplace but also for Ecommerce.
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 3 years ago
Hello  can you update the following changes to module.json under the Woocommerce plugin to below  
"require": {
"corals-ecommerce": "^5.0"
"supported_platforms": [
basiltap replied 3 years ago

Done, but I’m receiveng an error:
Settings::exception.module.install_module_failed. An error occurred during installation!

laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

Can you send us server access to supper@laraship.com including SSH and we will check

basiltap replied 3 years ago

It is not in a public server. It is in local development

basiltap replied 3 years ago

In the log, I’m having this (maybe it helps you):

[2021-10-25 13:55:44] local.DEBUG: array (
0 =>
array (
‘file’ => ‘/Users/basilio/code/laraship-ecommerce/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php’,
‘line’ => 54,
‘function’ => ‘install’,
‘class’ => ‘Corals\\Settings\\Http\\Controllers\\ModulesController’,
‘type’ => ‘->’,
[2021-10-25 13:55:44] local.ERROR: Settings::exception.module.install_module_failed {“userId”:1,”exception”:”[object] (Exception(code: 0): Settings::exception.module.install_module_failed at /Users/basilio/code/laraship-ecommerce/Corals/core/Settings/Classes/Modules.php:480)

laraship Staff replied 3 years ago

Unfortunately the error message is truncated, please attach the full log file

basiltap replied 3 years ago

I cannot attach or copy the full text. I sent i to you via mail.