Tax not applying at checkout

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalTax not applying at checkout
dtgobbo asked 6 years ago
Hello Support, We are using your laraship Marketplace extended. we have added tax classes with GST 10% with no country,state or zip. when I add product to card and checkout the cart. Tax amount not refflecting in checkout order review. I think there is some problem in Marketplace plugin so please help me to solve the tax issue. i've also added tax in product CRUD Form. My Order No : #9415
2 Answers
laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Thanks for reaching us,

In order for us to be able to debug issue, please send us the logins details to and we will check

laraship Staff answered 6 years ago


Please update Marketplace to the version corals-marketplace version: 1.2.3 to fix the issue.
