Subscription Tax

Laraship QuestionsCategory: TechnicalSubscription Tax
1 Answers
laraship Staff answered 5 years ago
Hello, Can you explain what to look at here? , we have already explained that taxes are managed at the payment gateway, its soo complicated to manage it at our side
Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

Yes, let me explain.


So for most countries the invoice rules are that none-corporate customers do not officially (by law) require to have an invoice for the service we provide, but corporate customers with a business VAT id do.


After creating a subscription (manually) for a corporate customer (/subscriptions/subscriptions/create) it would be great to have just a few VAT possibilities inside the "Create Invoice" page (/subscriptions/subscriptions/85Azx9KGJ3/create-invoice).


The Create Invoice pages allows the following:


– Invoice Number
– Invoice Date
– Due Date
– Status
– Currency
– User
– Sub Total
– Total
– Description


It would be very very great to have the following options together with this page:


– Tax (yes/no)
– Tax Incl/Excl (wether the tax should be substracted from the Total, or it should be summed to the Total)
– Tax % (fillable number form, so people can add their own custom vat % on each invoice they create)


In theory this could go a little further than that also, because whenever you create an invoice for a person that person have a subscription (created before invoice) and that already stated the country where he was in, which means you are able to know how much % tax the form should have, but this is much work and is maybe good for another version later. So the tax % can be taken from the Tax Classes that are setup in the Payments module automatically.


If we have the 3 items above, this would greatly help creating invoices for subscriptions.


And it would be awesome if this can be done through API or webhook also, so we can automate this if needed.


The above allows us to create invoices on subscriptions, WITH tax if needed.

laraship Staff replied 5 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, I will refer to the development team and see if we can fit this, I’m not sure if this will be added soon because we need to make sure that not effecting existing customers, this is important when dealing with payments and calculation

Stefan Warmerdam replied 5 years ago

sure, understandable! If you guys have any secondary solution to this in the meantime I would be very happy. Is it for example possible through Stripe to make a invoice for a subscription and add tax there until its build into Laraship?